

词汇 article
释义 *article
/ˈɑ:tɪkl ||; ˈɑrtɪkḷ/noun[C]
1 an object, especially one of a set 物品(尤指一套中的一件): articles of clothing 几件衣服
2 a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine (报纸或杂志上的)文章
3 (grammar语法) the words ‘a/an’ (the indefinite article) or ‘the’ (the definite article) 冠词(a、an 是不定冠词,the 是定冠词)
For more information about articles, look at the Quick Grammar Reference section at the back of this dictionary. 有关冠词的详细用法,参看本词典末“语法便览”部份。




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