

词汇 luxury
释义 luxury
/ˈlʌkʃəri ||; ˈlʌkʃərɪ/noun (plural luxuries)
1 [U] the enjoyment of expensive and beautiful things; a very comfortable and enjoyable situation 奢侈;奢华;豪华: They are said to be living in luxury in Barbados. 听说他们在巴巴多斯过着穷奢极侈的生活。to lead a life of luxury 过奢华的生活a luxury hotel/car/yacht 豪华旅馆╱汽车╱游艇
2 [C] something that is enjoyable and expensive that you do not really need 奢侈品: luxury goods, such as wine and chocolates 奢侈品,如酒和巧克力
3 [U] [sing] a pleasure which you do not often have (不能够常常享有的)乐事,享受: It was (an) absolute luxury to do nothing all weekend. 整个周末闲着不做事,真是极其难得的享受。




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