

词汇 back
释义 *back¹
/bæk ||; bæk/noun
1 [C] the part of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the bottom (人或动物的)背部: Do you sleep on your back or on your side? 你喜欢仰睡还是侧睡?She was standing with her back tome so I couldn't see her face. 她背对我站着,所以我看不到她的脸。A camel has a hump on its back. 骆驼的背上有个驼峰。
2 [usu.sing] the part or side of sth that is furthest from the front 后面;背面: I sat at the back of the class. 我坐在教室后面。The answers are in the back of the book. 答案在书后面。Write your address on the back of the cheque. 在支票背面写上你的地址。
3 [C] the part of a chair that supports your upper body when you sit down (椅子的)靠背: He put his coat over the back of the chair. 他把大衣放在椅背上。
at/in the back of your mind if sth is at the back of your mind, it is in your thoughts but is not the main thing that you are thinking about 在脑海中: With next week's exam at the back of my mind, I couldn't relax and enjoy the film. 我心里想着下星期的考试,因此无法放松下来欣赏电影。 back to front with the back where the front should be 前后颠倒: Wait a minute -- you've got your jumper on back to front. 等一下,你的毛衣前后穿反了。 ☞Look at way ¹(3) 参看 way^1(3)。 behind sb's back without sb's knowledge or agreement 背地里;私下: They criticized her behind her back. 他们在背后批评她。 [OPP] to sb's face 反义词为 to sb's faceget off sb's back(informal 非正式) to stop annoying sb, for example when you keep asking him/her to do sth 停止烦扰某人: I've told her I'll do the job by Monday, so I wish she'd get off my back! 我已经告诉她我星期一以前完成任务,因此我希望她不会再烦扰我! know sth like the back of your handKNOW¹a pat on the backPAT²turn your back on sb/sth to refuse to be involved with sb/sth 拒绝与某人打交道;拒绝卷入某事: He turned his back on his career and went to live in the country. 他放弃事业,到乡村去生活了。
/bæk ||; bæk/adj (onlybeforea noun 只用于名词前)
1 furthest from the front 后面的: Have you locked the back door? 你锁好后门了没有?the back row of the theatre 剧院的后排座位back teeth 臼齿a back garden 后花园
2 owed from a time in the past 以前亏欠的: back pay/rent/taxes 积欠的工资/房租/税
on the back burner(informal 非正式) (used about an idea, a plan, etc 指想法、计划等) left for the present time, to be done or considered later 暂时搁置;以后再做或考虑 take a back seat to allow sb to play a more important or active role than you do in a particular situation 让别人担当重要角色;使自己发挥次重作用
/bæk ||; bæk/adv
1 in or to a place or state that sb/sth was in before 重临;回到: I'm going out now -- I'll be back about six o'clock. 我现在出去一下,六点钟左右回来。It started to rain so I came back home. 天开始下雨,所以我回家了。 Go back to sleep. 回去睡觉。Could I have my pen back, please? 我可以拿回我的笔吗?I've got to take these books backto the library. 我得把这些书还给图书馆。
2 away from the direction you are facing or moving in 回转;后退: She walked away without looking back. 她走了,没有回头望。Could everyone move back a bit, please? 大家可以稍为挪后一点吗? [OPP] forward 反义词为 forward
3 away from sth; under control 离开;受控制: The police were unable to keep the crowds back. 警察无法阻止群众前进。She tried to hold back her tears. 她强忍住泪水。
4 in return or in reply 回复;回报: He said he'd phone me backin half an hour. 他说半个小时后给我回电话。
5 in or into the past; ago 以前: I met him a few years back, in Madrid. 我几年前在马德里认识他。 Think back to your first day at school. 回忆你第一天上学的情形。
back and forth from one place to another and back again, all the time 反复来回: Travelling back and forth to work takes up quite a bit of time. 往返工作地点颇费时间。
/bæk ||; bæk/verb
1 [I,T] to move backwards or to make sth move backwards 倒退;使倒退: I'll have to back into that parking space. 我得将车子倒进车位上。He backed the car into the parking space. 他将车子倒进停车位。
2 [I] to face sth at the back 背向: Many of the colleges back onto the river. 许多学院背向河流。
3 [T] to give help or support to sb/sth 帮助;支持: We can go ahead with the scheme if the bank will agree to back us. 如果银行答应支持,我们就能进行那个计划。
4 [T] to bet money that a particular horse, team, etc will win in a race or game 下赌注: Which horse are you backing in the 2 o'clock race? 2点钟那场比赛,你赌哪一匹马赢?
back away (from sb/sth) to move backwards because you are afraid, shocked, etc 退避;畏缩;退缩: He began to back slowly away from the snake. 他开始慢慢后退,避开那条蛇。 back down to stop saying that you are right 立场软化;不再坚持自己对;让步: I think you are right to demand an apology. Don't back down now. 我觉得你要求对方道歉并没有错。现在不要退让。 back out (of sth) to decide not to do sth that you had promised to do 决定不守诺言;食言;背信: You promised you would come with me. You can't back out of it now! 你答应跟我一起来,现在可不能食言! back sb/sth up to support sb; to say or show that sth is true 支持某人;证明某事属实: I'm going to say exactly what I think at the meeting. Will you back me up? 会议上我会畅所欲言。你会支持我吗?All the evidence backed up what the woman had said. 所有证据都证明那个女人所言属实。 back (sth) up to move backwards, especially in a vehicle 后退;倒退;倒(车): Back up a little so that the other cars can get past. 把车往后倒一点,那样别的车辆就可以过去。 back sth up(computing计算机技术) to make a copy of a computer program, etc in case the original one is lost or damaged 复制副本,作备份(以防原件丢失或损坏)




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