

词汇 hypocrite
释义 hypocrite
/ˈhɪpəkrɪt ||; ˈhɪpəˌkrɪt/noun [C] a person who pretends to have moral standards or opinions which he/she does not really have. Hypocrites say one thing and do another 虚伪的人;伪君子: What a hypocrite! She says she's against the hunting of animals but she's wearing a fur coat. 好一个伪君子!她嘴上说反对捕猎动物,身上却穿着毛皮大衣。 hypocritical /ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl ||; ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkḷ/ adj hypocritically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv




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