/ˈleɪbə(r) ||; ˈlebɚ/(
US 美 labor)
noun 1 [U] work, usually of a hard, physical kind 劳动(通常指繁重的体力劳动): manual labour (= work using your hands) 体力劳动
2 [U] workers, when thought of as a group 劳工(总称): There is a shortage of skilled labour. 熟练工人短缺。
3 [U] [C] [usu.sing] the process of giving birth to a baby 分娩 · She went into labour in the early hours of this morning. 今天凌晨她开始阵痛,要分娩了。 She was in labour for ten hours. 她分娩阵痛了十个小时。