

词汇 violent
释义 *violent
/ˈvaɪələnt ||; ˈvaɪələnt/adj
1 using physical strength to hurt or kill sb; caused by this behaviour 使用暴力的;由暴力引起的: The demonstration started peacefully but later turned violent. 示威行动起初和平进行,但后来演变成暴力事件。a violent death 暴力致死violent crime 暴力罪行
2 very strong and impossible to control 极强烈的;不能控制的: He has a violent temper. 他脾气暴躁。a violent storm/collision 猛烈的暴风雨╱碰撞 violently adv The ground shook violently and buildings collapsed in the earthquake. 在地震中,大地剧烈摇晃,建筑物倒塌。




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