

词汇 superior
释义 *superior¹
/su:ˈpɪəriə(r) ||; səˈpɪrɪɚ/adj
1 superior (to sb/sth) better than usual or than sb/sth else 优越的;优秀的: He is clearly superior to all the other candidates. 他很明显比其他候选人优秀。 [OPP] inferior 反义词为inferior
2 superior (to sb) having a more important position 职位较高的;上级的: a superior officer 上级官员
3 thinking that you are better than other people 自高自大的;自负的;有优越感的 superiority /su:ˌpɪəriˈɒrəti ||; sυˌpɪrɪˈɔrətɪ/ noun [U]
/su:ˈpɪəriə(r) ||; sυˈpɪrɪɚ/noun [C] a person of higher position 上司;上级: Report any accidents to your superior. 发生任何事故都要向上级报告。 [OPP] inferior 反义词为inferior




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