/tʌŋ ||; tʌŋ/noun1 [C] the soft part inside your mouth that you can move. You use your tongue for speaking, tasting things, etc. 舌头 ☞picture at body 见body插图
2 [C,U] the tongue of some animals, cooked and eaten 口条
3 [C] (formal 正式) a language 语言: your mother tongue (= the language you learned as a child) 你的母语
on the tip of your tongue→
put/stick your tongue out to put your tongue outside your mouth as a rude sign to sb 伸舌头(对某人不礼貌的表示)
a slip of the tongue→
(with) tongue in cheek done or said as a joke; not intended seriously 开玩笑;说话不当真