

词汇 tomorrow
释义 *tomorrow
/təˈmɒrəʊ ||; təˈmɔro/noun [U] adv
1 (on) the day after today 明天: Today is Friday so tomorrow is Saturday. 今天是星期五,明天就是星期六了。See you tomorrow. 明天见。I'm going to bed. I've got to get up early tomorrow morning. 我要去睡觉了,我明早得早起。a week tomorrow (= a week from tomorrow) 从明天算起一个星期
Notice that we say ‘tomorrow morning’, ‘tomorrow afternoon’, etc not ‘tomorrow in the morning’, etc. Look at the note at morning. 表示“明天上午”、“明天下午”等可以说tomorrow morning、tomorrow afternoon等,不能说tomorrow in the morning等。参看morning的注释。
2 the future 将来;未来: The schoolchildren of today are tomorrow's workers. 今天的学童是明日的劳动者。




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