

词汇 engaged
释义 *engaged
/ɪnˈgeɪdʒd ||; ɪnˈgedʒd/adj
1 (formal 正式)engaged (in/on sth) (used about a person) busy doing sth (指人)忙于: They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. 他们忙于跟爱尔兰政府谈判。
2 engaged (to sb) having agreed to get married 订了婚: We've just got engaged. 我们刚刚订了婚。Susan is engaged to Jim. 苏珊跟吉姆订了婚。
3 (USbusy) (used about a telephone) in use (指电话)占线,使用中: I can't get through -- the line is engaged. 我电话打不通,占线了。
4 (used about a toilet) in use (指厕所)有人 [OPP] vacant 反义词为 vacant




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