/ɪnˈdaʊ ||; ɪnˈdaυ/verb [T] to give a large sum of money to a school, a college or another institution 资助,捐助(学校等)
be endowed with sth to naturally have a particular characteristic, quality, etc 天生具有(某种特点、特质等):
She was endowed with courage and common sense. 她生来勇敢而通情达理。 endow sb/sth with sth 1 to believe or imagine that sb/sth has a particular quality 认为或想象…具有某特质: He had endowed the girl with the personality he wanted her to have. 他曾认为这位姑娘具有他所希望的那种性格。
2 (formal 正式) to give sth to sb/sth 给予;赋予