

词汇 scrimp
释义 scrimp
/skrɪmp ||; skrɪmp/verb [I] to spend very little money on the things that you need to live, especially so that you can save it to spend on sth else 省吃俭用;节衣缩食: They scrimped and saved to give the children a good education. 他们省吃俭用,为的是攒钱让孩子受到良好的教育。scrimp on sth to spend too little money on sth or buy sth that is of poor quality 吝啬;买劣质货: If you're going to do a good job of renovating an old house, don't scrimp on materials. 假如你要好好地装修一间老房子,不要在材料上省钱。




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