

词汇 screen
释义 *screen¹
/skri:n ||; skrin/noun
1 [C] a flat vertical surface that is used for dividing a room or keeping sb/sth out of sight 隔板;屏;屏风: The nurse pulled the screen round the bed. 护士把屏风拉过来,围在床的周围。
2 [C] the glass surface of a television or computer where the picture or information appears 屏幕;荧光屏 ☞picture on page S2 见S2页插图
3 [C] the large flat surface on which films are shown 银幕
4 [sing] [U] films or television in general 电影;电视: Some actors look better in real life than on screen. 有些演员在现实生活中的样子要比在电影里好看。
/skri:n ||; skrin/verb[T]
1 screen sb/sth (off) (from sb/sth) to hide or protect sb/sth from sb/sth else 遮蔽;掩护: The bed was screened off while the doctor examined him. 医生替他检查身体时用屏风把病床遮蔽起来。to screen your eyes from the sun 遮住眼睛以免阳光刺眼
2 screen sb (for sth) to examine or test sb to find out if he/she has a particular disease or if he/she is suitable for a particular job 检查(疾病);审查;筛选;甄别;选拔: All women over 50 should be screened for breast cancer. 所有年过50的女性都应该接受乳癌检查。The Ministry of Defence screens all job applicants. 国防部审查所有的求职者。
3 to show sth on television or in a cinema 播放;放映




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