

词汇 disgrace
释义 disgrace¹
/dɪsˈgreɪs ||; dɪsˈgres/noun
1 [U] the state of not being respected by other people, usually because you have behaved badly 羞耻: She left the company in disgrace after admitting stealing from colleagues. 她承认偷了同事的东西,不光彩地离开了公司。
2 [sing] a disgrace (to sb/sth) a person or thing that gives a very bad impression and makes you feel sorry and embarrassed 丢脸的人或事物: The streets are covered in litter. It's a disgrace! 街上满是垃圾。真是丢脸!Teachers who hit children are a disgrace to their profession. 打学生的老师令他们的职业蒙羞。
/dɪsˈgreɪs ||; dɪsˈgres/verb [T] to behave badly in a way that makes you or other people feel sorry and embarrassed 使丢脸;使蒙羞: My brother disgraced himself by starting a fight at the wedding. 我的弟弟在婚礼上挑起打架,真是丢人现眼。




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