/ˈskræmbl ||; ˈskræmbḷ/verb[I] 1 to climb quickly up or over sth using your hands to help you; to move somewhere quickly 攀登;爬: He scrambled up the hill and over the wall. 他攀上小山,攀过那道墙。He scrambled to his feet (= off the ground) and ran off into the trees. 他赶忙站起身,跑进树林里。The children scrambled into the car. 孩子们爬进车里。
2 scramble (for sth/to do sth) to fight or move quickly to get sth which a lot of people want 快速移动;争夺;抢夺:
People stood up and began scrambling for the exits. 人们站起来,开始争相朝出口处走去。Everyone was scrambling to get the best bargains. 人人争相抢购最合算的便宜货。 ➔scramble noun [sing]