

词汇 sleep
释义 *sleep¹
/sli:p ||; slip/noun
1 [U] the natural condition of rest when your eyes are closed and your mind and body are not active or conscious 睡觉;睡眠: Most people need at least seven hours' sleep every night. 大多数人每晚至少需要睡七个小时。I didn't get much sleep last night. 昨天晚上我没睡多久。Do you ever talk in your sleep? 你睡觉时说梦话吗?I couldn't get to sleep last night. 昨晚我睡不着。
2 [sing] a period of sleep 睡眠时间: You'll feel better after a good night's sleep. 你好好睡一觉就会觉得好些。I sometimes have a short sleep in the afternoon. 我有时候在下午睡一会儿。
go to sleep
1 to start sleeping 入睡: He got into bed and soon went to sleep. 他上床不久便睡着了。
2 (used about an arm, a leg, etc) to lose the sense of feeling in it (指手臂、腿等)麻木
put (an animal) to sleep to kill an animal that is ill or injured because you want to stop it suffering 杀死动物(因动物生病或受伤,免其受折磨)
/sli:p ||; slip/verb (past tense past participle slept /slept ||; slɛpt/)
1 [I] to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active 睡;睡觉: Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?I only slept for a couple of hours last night. 昨天晚上我只睡了几个小时。I slept solidly from 10 last night till 11 this morning. 我从昨晚10点钟一直睡到今天上午11点钟。 Asleep is usually used to describe sb who is sleeping The baby's asleep. Go to sleep is the verb we use to mean ‘start to sleep’ I was reading in bed last night, and I didn't go to sleep until about one o'clock. asleep通常指处于睡眠状态:The baby's asleep.婴儿睡着了。go to sleep指入睡:I was reading in bed last night, and I didn't go to sleep until about one o'clock.我昨晚躺在床上看书,到一点钟左右才入睡。
2 [T] (used about a place) to have enough beds for a particular number of people (指地方)可供(某数量的人)住宿
sleep/live roughROUGH³sleep in to sleep until later than usual in the morning because you do not have to get up 睡懒觉 ☞Compare oversleep. 与oversleep比较。 sleep together; sleep with sb to have sex with sb (usually when you are not married to or living with that person) 与某人性交(通常指没有与对方结婚或同居的)




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