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词汇 get
释义 *get
/get ||; gɛt/verb (present participle getting;past tense got /gɒt ||; gɑt/ past participle got (US 美) gotten /ˈgɒtn ||; ˈgɑtṇ/)
1 [T] (no passive) to receive, obtain or buy sth 收到;得到;买: I got a letter from my sister. 我收到妹妹的来信。Did you get a present for your mother? 你有没有给你母亲买礼物? Did you get your mother a present? 你有没有给你母亲买礼物?She got a job in a travel agency. 她找到一份旅行社的工作。Louise got 75% in the maths exam. 刘易斯数学考了75分。I'll come if I can get time off work. 下班后有时间的话,我会来的。How much did you get for your old car (= when you sold it)? 你那辆旧车卖了多少钱?to get a shock/surprise 吓一跳;吃一惊
2 [T] have/has got sth to have sth 有: I've got a lot to do today. 我今天有好多事要干。Lee's got blond hair. 李长着金发。Have you got a spare pen? 你有多余的笔吗
3 [T] (no passive) to go to a place and bring sth back; fetch 取回来;带回来: Go and get me a pen, please. 请去拿支笔给我。Sam's gone to get his mother from the station. 萨姆到车站接母亲去了。
4 [I] to become; to reach a particular state or condition; to make sb/sth be in a particular state or condition 变得;(使)达到某种状态: It's getting dark. 天色渐黑。to get angry/bored/hungry/fat 发怒;觉得无聊;觉得饿;长胖I can't get used to my new bed. 这新床我睡不惯。to get dressed 穿好衣服When did you get married ? 你是什么时候结婚的?to get pregnant 怀孕Just give me five minutes to get ready. 只要给我五分钟的准备时间。He's always getting into trouble with the police. 他老是招惹麻烦,落到警方手里。She's shy, but she's great fun once you get to know her. 她很腼腆,但一旦了解了她,她还是个很有意思的人。
5 [I] to arrive at or reach a place 到达(某地): We should get to London at about ten. 我们按理可在十点钟左右抵达伦敦。Can you tell me how to get to the hospital? 请问去医院的路怎么走?What time do you usually get home ? 你通常什么时候到家?I got half way up the mountain then gave up. 我到达山腰就不想再往前走了。How far have you got with your book? 你这书看了多少了? ☞Look at get in, on, etc. 参看 get inget on 等。
6 [I,T] to move or go somewhere; to move or put sth somewhere 移动或去(某处);(把某物)搬到或放在(某处): I can't swim so I couldn't get across the river. 我不会游泳,所以这河我过不去。My grandmother's 92 and she doesn't get out of the house much. 我奶奶已经92岁,不大出门了。We couldn't get the piano upstairs. 我们无法把钢琴搬上楼。My foot was swollen and I couldn't get my shoe off. 我这只脚肿了,脱不了鞋。
7 [I] used instead of 'be' in the passive 在被动语态中代替动词 be: She got bitten by a dog. 她给狗咬伤了。Don't leave your wallet on the table or it'll get stolen. 别把钱包放在桌上,要不然会给偷掉的。
8 [T] get sth done, mended, etc to cause sth to be done, mended, etc 把(某事物)完成、修补等: Let's get this work done, then we can go out. 我们先把这工作做完,然后就可以出去了。I'm going to get my hair cut. 我要去理个发。
9 [T] get sb/sth to do sth to make or persuade sb/sth to do sth 使或劝…做某事: I got him to agree to the plan. 我使他同意了这个计划。I can't get the television to work. 我无法把这台电视机修好。
10 [T] to catch or have an illness, pain, etc 得(病、痛楚等): I think I'm getting a cold. 我觉得我感冒了。He gets really bad headaches. 他确实头痛得厉害。
11 [T] to use a form of transport 乘搭(交通工具): Shall we walk or get the bus? 我们是走路去还是乘公共汽车去呢?
12 [I] to hit, hold or catch sb/sth 击中;握住;抓住: He got me by the throat and threatened to kill me. 他抓住我的喉咙,扬言要杀了我。A boy threw a stone at me but he didn't get me. 有个男孩朝我扔了一块石头,不过没有击中我。
13 [T] to hear or understand sth 听见;明白: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Could you repeat it? 对不起,我听不明白,可以再说一遍吗?Did you get that jokethat Karen told? 你听懂卡伦说的那个笑话了吗?
14 [T] get (sb) sth;get sth (for sb) to prepare food 准备吃的: Can I get you anything to eat? 我给你做点吃的好吗? Joe's in the kitchen getting breakfast for everyone. 乔在厨房里为大家做早饭。
15 [I] get to do sth to have the chance to do sth 有机会(做某事): Did you get to try the new computer? 你有机会试用那台新计算机吗?
16 [I] (used with verbs in the -ing form 与动词 -ing 形式连用) to start doing sth 开始(做某事): We don't have much time so we'd better get working. 我们没有多少时间,所以最好现在就开始动手做吧。I got talking to a woman on the bus. 我在公共汽车上跟个女人攀谈起来。We'd better get going if we don't want to be late. 要是不想迟到,我们最好现在就动身吧。
get somewhere/nowhere (with sb/sth) to make/not make progress 取得或没有取得进展: I'm getting nowhere with my research. 我的研究工作毫无进展。 For other idioms containing get, look at the noun and adjective entries, for example for get rid of look at rid. 其他含 get 的习语,参看有关名词及形容词词条,如 get rid of 可参看词条 ridget about/around to move or travel from place to place 到处走动或旅行: My grandmother needs a stick to get around these days. 如今我的奶奶要拄着拐杖才能到处走动。 get about/around/round (used about news, a story, etc) to become known by many people (指消息、故事等)流传: The rumour got around that Freddie wore a wig. 弗雷迪戴假发的谣言广为流传。 get sth across (to sb) to succeed in making people understand sth 使人明白(某事): The party failed to get its policies across to the voters. 这个政党未能让选民了解它的政策。 get ahead to progress and be successful in sth, especially a career 取得进展,取得成就(尤指事业) get along
1 (spoken 口语) (usually used in the continuous tenses 通常用于进行时) to leave a place 离开(某地): I'd love to stay, but I should be getting along now. 我很想留下,但我现在该走了。
get around
get around sbGET ROUND/AROUND SBget around sthGET ROUND/AROUND STHget around to sth/doing sthGET ROUND/AROUND TO STH/DOING STHget at sb to criticize sb a lot 不断批评: The teacher's always getting at me about my spelling. 老师老是批评我的拼写。 get at sb/sth to be able to reach sth; to have sth available for immediate use 触及;够得着;实时可用: The files are locked away and I can't get at them. 档案锁在什么地方,我拿不着。 get at sth (only used in the continuous tenses) to try to say sth without saying it in a direct way; to suggest 暗示;间接表达意思: I'm not quite sure what you're getting at -- am I doing something wrong? 我拿不准你指的是什么,我是不是有什么事情做错了? get away (from...) to succeed in leaving or escaping from sb or a place 成功地离开;逃脱: He kept talking to me and I couldn't get away from him. 他不停地跟我说话,使我无法脱身。The thieves got away in a stolen car. 那些小偷驾驶一辆偷来的车逃掉了。 get away with sth/doing sth to do sth bad and not be punished for it 做坏事而没有受到惩罚: He lied but he got away with it. 他明明是撒谎,却还是过了关。 get back to return to the place where you live or work 回到住处或工作处: When did you get back from Italy? 你什么时候打意大利回来了? get sth back to be given sth that you had lost or lent 寻回(失物);收回(借出去的东西): Can I borrow this book? You'll get it back next week, I promise. 这本书借给我好吗?我保证下个星期还给你。 get back to sb to speak to, write to or telephone sb later, especially in order to give an answer 稍后再跟某人说话、给某人写信或打电话(尤指为了给个答复): I'll get back to you on prices when I've got some more information. 等我多了解一些情况后再告诉你价格。 get back to sth to return to doing sth or talking about sth 再做,再谈(某事): I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. 我一早醒来,再也睡不着。Let's get back to the point you raised earlier. 我们还是回到你先前提出的那一点。 get behind (with sth) to fail to do, pay sth, etc on time, and so have more to do, pay, etc the next time 不能按时办好或支付(因此下次要多做或多付): to get behind with your work/rent 工作进度落后;欠了房租 get by (on/in/with sth) to manage to live or do sth with difficulty 设法在困难的情况下生活或做某事;勉强应付过去: It's very hard to get by on such a low income. 收入这样微薄,实在难以维持生计。My Italian is good and I can get by in Spanish. 我的意大利语不错,西班牙语勉强过得去。 get sb down to make sb unhappy 令人不快 get down to sth/doing sth to start working on sth 开始做(某事): We'd better stop chatting and get down to work. 我们还是别再聊天,动手干活吧。I must get down to answering these letters. 我要着手回复这些来信。 get in to reach a place 到达: What time does your train get in? 你那班火车什么时候到站? get in; get into sth
1 to climb into a car 登上汽车: We all got in and Tim drove off. 我们都上了车,蒂姆就开车出发了。
2 to be elected to a political position 获选任政治职务: She got into Parliament in 1999. 她1999年获选晋身议会
get sb in to call sb to your house to do a job 叫某人到家里帮忙: We had to get a plumber in to fix the pipes. 我们得叫管子工来把水管修好。 get sth in
1 to collect or bring sth inside; to buy a supply of sth 把某物收或拿进来;购买(生活用品): It's going to rain -- I'd better get the washing in from outside. 快要下雨了,我最好把晒在外面的衣服收进来。
2 to manage to find an opportunity to say or do sth 插嘴;插手: He talked all the time and I couldn't get a word in. 他叨叨不休,我根本插不上嘴。
get in on sth to become involved in an activity 参与(某项活动) get into sb(informal 非正式) (used about a feeling or attitude) to start affecting sb strongly, causing him/her to behave in an unusual way (指情绪或态度)强烈地影响某人(使一反常态): I wonder what's got into him -- he isn't usually unfriendly. 我不知道他怎么啦,他平时不是这么冷淡的。 get into sth
1 to put on a piece of clothing with difficulty 费力穿上(衣服): I've put on so much weight I can't get into my trousers. 我体重增加这么多,这条裤子穿不上了。
2 to start a particular activity; to become involved in sth 开始从事,开始参与(某项活动): How did you first get into the music business? 你当初怎么涉足音乐这一行?She has got into the habit of turning up late. 她已养成迟到的习惯。We got into an argument about politics. 我们为政治问题争吵起来。
3 to become more interested in or familiar with sth (对…)更感兴趣,更熟悉: I've been getting into yoga recently. 我最近对瑜伽修行法越来越感兴趣。It's taking me a while to get into my new job. 要过些时候我才会熟悉新工作。
get off (sb/sth) used especially to tell sb to stop touching you/sb/sth (尤指吩咐某人)把手从…移开,别碰…: Get off (me) or I'll call the police! 别碰我,否则我要叫警察了!Get off that money, it's mine! 别碰那些钱,那是我的! get off (sth)
1 to leave a bus, train, etc; to climb down from a bicycle, horse, etc 从(公共汽车、火车等)下来;下(自行车、马等)
2 to leave work with permission at a particular time 获准下班: I might be able to get off early today. 我今天也许可以早点下班。
get off (with sth) to be lucky to receive no serious injuries or punishment 幸运地未受重伤或严厉惩罚: to get off with just a warning 只被警告了事 get on
1 to progress or become successful in life, in a career, etc (生活、事业等方面)有进展,取得成就
2 (only used in the continuous tenses) to be getting old 年事渐高: He's getting on -- he's over 70, I'm sure. 年事渐高他年事渐高,我敢说他已经70多岁了。
3 (only used in the continuous tenses) to be getting late 时间不早了;越来越迟: Time's getting on -- we don't want to be late. 时间不多了,我们不想迟到。
2 and
3 are only used in the continuous tenses. 第
get on/along to have a particular amount of success 取得某种程度的成功: How are you getting on in your course? 你这门课进展如何?‘How did you get on at your interview?’ ‘I got the job!’ “你去面试的结果如何?”“我得到那份工作了!” get on/along with sb; get on/along (together) to have a friendly relationship with sb (跟某人)合得来: Do you get on well with your colleagues? 你跟同事合得来合不来?We're not close friends but we get on together quite well. 我们不是亲密朋友,可相当合得来。 get on/along with sth to make progress with sth that you are doing 取得进展: How are you getting on with that essay? 你那篇文章进展如何? get on/onto sth to climb onto a bus, train, bicycle, horse, etc 登上(公共汽车、火车等);骑上(自行车、马等): I got on just as the train was about to leave. 就在火车快要开的时候,我上了火车。 get on for (only used in the continuous tenses) to be getting near to a certain time or age 接近(某时刻或年龄): I'm not sure how old he is but he must be getting on for 50. 他的年纪我说不准,不过他一定快50岁了。 get on to sb (about sth) to speak or write to sb about a particular matter (就某事)联络某人 get on with sth to continue doing sth, especially after an interruption 继续做某事(尤指中断后): Stop talking and get on with your work! 别说话了,继续工作吧! get out (used about a piece of information) to become known, after being secret until now (指资料、信息)公开 get sth out (of sth) to take sth from its container (从容器)取出某物: I got my keys out of my bag. 我从提包里掏出钥匙。 get out of sth/doing sth to avoid a duty or doing sth that you have said you will do 逃避(责任等) get sth out of sb to persuade or force sb to give you sth 通过劝说或强行得到(某物): His parents finally got the truth out of him. 他父母终于使他说出真相。 get sth out of sb/sth to gain sth from sb/sth …得到(某物): I get a lot of pleasure out of music. 我从音乐里得到不少乐趣。 get over sth
1 to deal with a problem successfully 克服难题: We'll have to get over the problem of finding somewhere to live first. 我们要先找个地方解决住的问题。
2 to feel normal again after being ill or having an unpleasant experience 从疾病或不快中恢复过来: He still hasn't got over his wife's death. 他仍然摆脱不了丧妻之痛。
get sth over with(informal 非正式) to do and complete sth unpleasant that has to be done 完成(令人不快但必须做的事): I'll be glad to get my visit to the dentist's over with. 去看牙医这种事,我巴不得早去早了。 get roundGET ABOUT/AROUND/ROUNDget round/around sb(informal 非正式) to persuade sb to do sth or agree with sth 说服某人做某事或同意某事: My father says he won't lend me the money but I think I can get round him. 爸爸说他不会把钱借给我,可我还是有信心说服他。 get round/around sth to find a way of avoiding or dealing with a problem 设法回避或克服难题 get round/around to sth/doing sth to find the time to do sth, after a delay 在延迟后腾出时间做(某事): I've been meaning to reply to that letter for ages but I haven't got round to it yet. 我一直想回复那封信,可总是抽不出时间。 get through sth to use or complete a certain amount or number of sth 用完;做完: I got through a lot of money at the weekend. 这个周末我花了很多钱。I got through an enormous amount of work today. 今天我做了好多工作。 get (sb) through (sth) to manage to complete sth difficult or unpleasant; to help sb to do this (帮助某人)渡过难关: She got through her final exams easily. 她很轻松地过了大考这一关。 get through (to sb)
1 to succeed in making sb understand sth 使某人明白(某事): They couldn't get through to him that he was completely wrong. 他们无法让他理解,他完全错了。
2 to succeed in speaking to sb on the telephone 用电话(跟某人)联络上: I couldn't get through to them because their phone was engaged all day. 他们的电话整天占线,我无法跟他们联络上。
get to sb(informal 非正式) to affect sb in a bad way 给人不良的影响: Public criticism is beginning to get to the team manager. 领队开始遭受舆论的压力。 get sb/sth together to collect people or things in one place 召集(人);收集或积累(事物): I'll just get my things together and then we'll go. 我只要把东西收拾好,我们就可以出发了。 get together (with sb) to meet socially or in order to discuss or do sth 聚在一起(交际往来、商讨事情等): Let's get together and talk about it. 我们一起来讨论这件事情吧。 get up to stand up 站起来: He got up to let an elderly woman sit down. 他站起来,把座位让给一个老婆婆。 get (sb) up to get out of bed or make sb get out of bed (使)起床: What time do you have to get up in the morning? 你早上要几点钟起床?Could you get me up at 6 tomorrow? 明早6点可不可以把我叫醒? get up to sth
1 to reach a particular point or stage in sth 到达(某一点或某个阶段): We've got up to the last section of our grammar book. 我们已经看到这本语法书的最后部份。
2 to be busy with sth, especially sth secret or bad 忙于做某事(尤指秘密事或坏事): I wonder what the children are getting up to? 孩子们到底在搞什么名堂?




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