

词汇 around
释义 *around
/əˈraʊnd ||; əˈraυnd/adv prep
1 (also about) in or to various places or directions 到处;四处: This is our office -- David will show you around(= show you the different parts of it). 这是我们的办公室,戴维会带你四处看看。They wandered around the town, looking at the shops. 他们在城中四处逛商店。
2 moving so as to face in the opposite direction 向相反方向移动;回转: Turn around and go back the way you came. 转身往来时的路走。
3 on all sides; forming a circle 四周;形成一圈: The park has a wall all around. 公园的四周有围墙。Gather around so that you can all see. 围拢过来,好让你们都看得到。We sat down around the table. 我们围着桌子坐下。 In senses
2 and
3 round can be used instead of around. 用于第
3义时 round 可取代 around
4 near a place 附近: Is there is a bank around here? 附近有没有银行?
5 (also about) present or available 在;找得到: I went to the house but there was nobody around. 我到那所房子去,但里面没有人。
6 (also about) approximately 大约;左右: I'll see you around seven(= at about 7 o'clock). 我们七点左右见。
7 (also about) used for activities with no real purpose (用于没有明确目的的活动): ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Nothing, just lazing around.’ “你在做什么?”“没什么,只是闲散度日而已。”




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