

词汇 argue
释义 *argue
/ˈɑ:gju: ||; ˈɑrgju/verb
1 [I] argue (with sb) (about/over sth) to say things, often angrily that show that you do not agree with sb about sth (与人)争辩,争吵,理论: The couple next door are always arguing. 邻家那对夫妇老是吵嘴。I never argue with my husband about money. 我从不为钱与丈夫争吵。 ☞Look at fight ¹(4) and quarrel ². 参看 fight^1(4)及 quarrel^2。
2 [I,T] argue that...;argue (for/against sth) to give reasons that support your opinion about sth (就某事)论证,争辩: He argued against buying a new computer. 他提出理由反对买新计算机。




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