

词汇 tense
释义 *tense¹
/tens ||; tɛns/adj
1 (used about a person) not able to relax because you are worried or nervous (指人)紧张的,焦虑的: She looked pale and tense. 她看来又苍白又紧张。
2 (used about a muscle or a part of the body) tight; not relaxed (指人的肌肉或某部位)紧绷的
3 (used about an atmosphere or a situation) in which people feel worried and not relaxed (指气氛或处境)紧张的,担心的
/tens ||; tɛns/noun [C,U] (grammar语法) a form of a verb that shows if sth happens in the past, present or future (动词的)时态,时 ☞For more information about verb tenses, look at the Quick Grammar Reference section at the back of this dictionary. 有关时态的详细用法,参看本词典末“语法便览”部份。
/tens ||; tɛns/verb [I,T] tense (up) to have muscles that have become hard and not relaxed (肌肉)紧张,绷紧




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