

词汇 celebrate
释义 *celebrate
/ˈselɪbreɪt ||; ˈsɛləˌbret/verb [I,T] to do sth to show that you are happy about sth that has happened or because it is a special day 庆祝;祝贺: When I got the job we celebrated by going out for a meal. 我一找到了工作,我们就出去吃饭庆祝。Nora celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday. 诺拉昨天庆祝她的90寿辰。 celebratory /ˌseləˈbreɪtəri ||; ˌsɛləˈbretərɪ/ adj We went out for a celebratory meal after the match. 比赛以后我们出去吃了一顿,庆祝一下。




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