

词汇 rope
释义 *rope¹
/rəʊp ||; rop/noun [C,U] very thick, strong string that is used for tying or lifting heavy things, climbing up, etc 绳;索;缆: We need some rope to tie up the boat with. 我们需要缆索把小船系住。 ☞picture at cablecable插图 show sb/know/learn the ropes to show sb/know/learn how a job should be done 教某人/懂得/学习做某事的诀窍
/rəʊp ||; rop/verb [T] rope A to B;rope A and B together to tie sb/sth with a rope 用绳子系住 rope sb in (to do sth)(informal 非正式) to persuade sb to help in an activity, especially when he/she does not want to 劝说某人(参与活动) rope sth off to put ropes round or across an area in order to keep people out of it 用绳子围起或拦开




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