

词汇 respond
释义 *respond
/rɪˈspɒnd ||; rɪˈspɑnd/verb[I]
1 (formal 正式)respond (to sb/sth) (with/by sth) to say or do sth as an answer or reaction to sth 回答;回复;回应;反应: He responded to my question with a nod. 他对我的提问点头回应。Owen responded to the manager's criticism by scoring two goals. 欧文射进两个球,以响应经理的批评。 [SYN] reply 同义词为reply
2 respond (to sb/sth) to have or show a good or quick reaction to sb/sth (对某人或某事)有良好或迅速的反应: The patient did not respond well to the new treatment. 病人接受新疗法后,情况没有好转。




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