/ni: ||; ni/noun[C] 1 the place where your leg bends in the middle 膝盖: Angie fell and grazed her knee. 安吉栽了一跤,擦伤了膝盖。She was on her hands and kneeson the floor looking for her earrings. 她趴在地板上找耳环。Come and sit on my knee. 过来坐在我的腿上。 ☞picture at body 见body插图
2 the part of a pair of trousers, etc that covers the knee (裤子的)膝部: There's a hole in the knee of those jeans. 这条牛仔裤的膝部破了一个洞。
bring sth to its knees to badly affect an organization, etc so that it can no longer function 使瘫痪;使不再能运转:
The strikes brought the industry to its knees. 罢工使工业陷于瘫痪。