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词汇 end
释义 *end¹
/end ||; ɛnd/noun[C]
1 the furthest or last part of sth; the place or time where sth stops 末端;(时间或空间的)尽头: My house is at the end of the street. 我的房子就在这条街的尽头。There are some seats at the far end of the room. 房间的最后面还有几个座位。I'm going on holiday at the end of October. 我十月底要去度假。He promised to give me an answer by the end of the week. 他答应在周末之前给我一个答复。She couldn't wait to hear the end of the story. 她急于知道故事的结局。 ☞The noun finish is used to mean end only in connection with races and competitions. 参看finish这个名词。只有在赛跑﹑比赛的场合﹐end 和finish才可互换。
The idiom in the end refers to time and means ‘finally’ We were too tired to cook, so in the end we decided to eat out. At the end of sth refers to the last part of a book, film, class, etc, at the point where it is about to finish At the end of the meal we had a row about who should pay for it. End is sometimes used before another noun the end house the end seat in the end 这个习语指时间,意思为 finally(最后):We were too tired to cook, so in the end we decided to eat out. 我们累得不想做饭,所以最后我们决定上馆子。At the end of sth 指书、电影、上课等的末尾部份,快结束的那个时刻:At the end of the meal we had a row about who should pay for it. 快吃完饭的时候,我们为谁来付钱的事发生争执。end 有时用于名词前:the end house 末了的那幢房子·the end seat 末了的那个座位
2 (formal 正式) an aim or purpose 目的: They were prepared to do anything to achieve their ends. 为了达到目的,他们可以不择手段。
3 a little piece of sth that is left after the rest has been used 剩余部份: a cigarette end 香烟头
at an end(formal 正式) finished or used up 结束;耗尽: Her career is at an end. 她的事业完了。 at the end of your tether having no more patience or strength 忍无可忍;筋疲力尽 at the end of the day(spoken 口语) used to say the most important fact in a situation (用于表示最重要的事实)最终,到头来: At the end of the day, you have to make the decision yourself. 到头来,你还得自己下决定。 at a loose endLOOSE¹at your wits' endWITbring sth/come/draw to an end (to cause sth) to finish (使)终结: His stay in England was coming to an end. 他的英国之行快要结束。 a dead endDEAD¹end to end in a line with the ends touching 首尾相接地: They put the tables end to end. 他们把桌子一张挨着一张地拼起来。 in the end finally; after a long period of time or series of events 最后: He wanted to get home early but in the end it was midnight before he left. 他本来想早些到家,可是他离开的时候已经过了午夜。 make ends meet to have enough money for your needs 维持生计;使收支平衡: It's hard for us to make ends meet. 我们要维持生计都很困难。 make sb's hair stand on endHAIRa means to an endMEANSno end of sth(spoken 口语) too many or much; a lot of sth 大量的;无数的: She has given us no end of trouble. 她给我们带来了说不尽的麻烦。 odds and endsODDSon end (used about time) continuously (指时间)不停地: He sits and reads for hours on end. 他一坐下看书就是好几个小时。 put an end to sth to stop sth from happening any more 终止;结束
/end ||; ɛnd/verb [I,T] end (in/with sth) (to cause sth) to finish (使)终结: The road ends here. 路在这儿到了尽头了。How does this story end? 这故事是怎么结尾的?The match ended in a draw. 这场比赛打成平手。I think we'd better end this conversation now. 依我看,我们还是别谈下去的好。 end up (as sth); end up (doing sth) to find yourself in a place/situation that you did not plan or expect 处于出乎意料的地方或情形: We got lost and ended up in the centre of town. 我们迷了路,结果到了市中心。She had always wanted to be a writer but ended up as a teacher. 她一直想当作家,但最后却成为教师。There was nothing to eat at home so we ended up getting a takeaway. 家里没有吃的,我们只好去买了一份外卖食物。




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