

词汇 empty
释义 *empty¹
/ˈempti ||; ˈɛmptɪ/adj
1 having nothing or nobody inside it 空的: an empty box 空盒子The bus was half empty. 那公共汽车有一半座位空着。
2 without meaning or value 空洞的;空虚的: It was an empty threat (= it was not meant seriously). 虚张声势的威胁My life feels empty now the children have left home. 现在孩子们统统搬走了,我觉得生活很空虚。 emptiness /ˈemptinəs ||; ˈɛmptɪnəs/ noun [U]
/ˈempti ||; ˈɛmptɪ/verb (present participle emptying third person singular present empties;past tense past participle emptied)
1 [T] empty sth (out/out of sth) to remove everything that is inside a container, etc 把(容器等)腾空: I've emptied a wardrobe for you to use. 我已经把一个衣柜腾出来供你使用。Luke emptied everything out of his desk and left. 卢克把办公桌里的东西统统取出来,然后走了。
2 [I] to become empty 变成空的: The cinema emptied very quickly once the film was finished. 电影一放完,电影院的观众很快就走光了。




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