

词汇 up
释义 *up¹
/ʌp ||; ʌp/prep adv☞For special uses with many verbs, for example pick sth up, look at the verb entries. up可与许多动词连用,如pick sth up,其用法参看有关动词词条。
1 at or to a high or higher level or position 在或朝上;在或朝(较)高处: The monkey climbed up the tree. 猴子爬到了树上。I carried her suitcase up to the third floor. 我把她的衣箱搬了上四楼。 Put your hand upif you know the answer. 知道答案的举手。I walked up the hill. 我走上山。
2 in or into a vertical position 处于或趋于直立的姿势: Stand up, please. 请站起来。Is he up (= out of bed) yet? 他起床了吗?
3 used for showing an increase in sth (用于表示某事物增加): Prices have gone up. 价格上升了。Turn the volume up. 将音量调高。
4 used with verbs of closing or covering (与含有“关闭”或“覆盖”意义的动词连用): Do up your coat. It's cold. 天气很冷,你扣好外衣吧。She tied the parcel up with string. 她用绳子把包裹捆扎好。I found some wood to cover up the hole. 我找了些木头把洞盖住。
5 to the place where sb/sth is 朝着某人或某物: She ran up to her mother and kissed her. 她跑到她妈妈跟前,吻了吻她。A car drove up and two men got out. 一辆汽车驶过来,两个男子下了车。
6 coming or being put together 走到一起;给放在一起: The teacher collected up our exam papers. 老师收起我们的试卷。Asif and Joe teamed up in the doubles competition. 阿西夫和乔合作参加双打比赛。
7 (used about a period of time) finished (指一段时间)结束,已到: Stop writing. Your time's up. 时间到了,请停笔。
8 into pieces 成碎片: We chopped the old table up and used it for firewood. 我们将那张旧桌子劈成碎片当柴烧。She tore up the letter and threw it away. 她将那信撕成碎片扔掉了。
9 used for showing that an action continues until it is completed (用于表示动作一直进行到完成为止): Eat up, everybody, I want you to finish everything on the table. 大家吃吧,我希望大家能把桌子上的东西都吃光。Can you help me clean up the kitchen? 请你帮我打扫厨房好吗?
10 in a particular direction 向某个方向: I live just up the road. 我就住在马路的那边。 Move up a little and let me sit down. 坐过去一点,让我坐下。
11 in or to the north 在北方;向北方: My parents have just moved up north. 我的父母刚刚搬到北方去。When are you going up to Scotland? 你什么时候来苏格兰?
12 (used about computers) working; in operation (指计算机)运作中,操作中: Are the computers back up yet? 计算机都恢复运作了吗?
13 (informal 非正式) used for showing that sth is spoiled (表示某事给弄糟): I really messed up when I told the interviewer I liked sleeping. 我真的把事情弄糟了,竟然对面试人员说我喜欢睡觉。
be up for sth
1 to be available to be bought or chosen 供出售或挑选: That house is up for sale. 那幢房子现正出售。How many candidates are up for election? 有多少候选人参加竞选?
2 (informal 非正式) to be ready to do sth and enthusiastic about doing it 对干某事热心: Is anyone up for a swim? 谁想去游泳吗?
be up to sb to be sb's responsibility 是某人的责任: I can't take the decision. It's not up to me. 我不能作决定,这不是由我负责的。 not up to much(informal 非正式) not very good 不太好: The programme wasn't up to much. 那个节目不太精彩。 up against sth/sb facing sth/sb that causes problems 面对;面临 up and down backwards and forwards, or rising and falling 来回;上下: He was nervously walking up and down outside the interview room. 他紧张得在面试室外面来回踱步。 up and running (used about sth new) working well (指新事物)运作良好 up to sth
1 as much/many as 多达: We're expecting up to 100 people at the meeting. 我们预料会有多达100人参加会议。
2 as far as now 至今;到目前为止: Up to now, things have been easy. 到目前为止,事情还易办。
3 capable of sth 能够做,胜任(某事): I don't feel up to cooking this evening. I'm too tired. 我太累了,今天晚上不想烧饭。
4 doing sth secret and perhaps bad 偷偷做(某事,也许是坏事): What are the children up to? Go and see. 孩子们在偷偷做些什么呢?快去看看。
what's up?(informal 非正式) what's the matter? 出了什么事?
/ʌp ||; ʌp/nounups and downs the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular situation or relationship 起伏;沉浮;兴衰: Every marriage has its ups and downs. 每头婚姻都有自己的酸甜苦辣。




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