

词汇 ready
释义 *ready
/ˈredi ||; ˈrɛdɪ/adj
1 ready (for sb/sth);ready (to do sth) prepared and able to do sth or to be used 准备好;准备就绪: The car will be ready for you to collect on Friday. 汽车星期五可以备好,让你来取。He isn't ready to take his driving test -- he hasn't had enough lessons. 他上课不足,还未准备好参加驾驶执照考试。I'm meeting him at 7, so I don't have long to get ready. 我7点钟要跟他见面,因此没有多少时间准备了。I'll go and get the dinner ready. 我会把晚饭准备好。 Have your money readybefore you get on the bus. 上公共汽车前先准备好车费。
2 ready to do sth;ready (with/for sth) prepared and happy to do sth 愿意;乐于: You know me -- I'm always ready to help. 你是了解我的─我随时都乐意帮忙。Charlie's always ready with advice. 查利总是乐于给予意见。The men were angry and ready for a fight. 那几个男子很生气,准备动手打架。I know it's early, but I'm ready for bed. 我知道时间还早,但我准备睡觉了。
3 adv (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) that has already been made or done; not done especially for you 预先制成或做好;现成: ready-cooked food 预先烹调好的食物There are no ready-made answers to this problem -- we'll have to find our own solution. 这个问题没有现成的答案─我们得自己寻找解决办法。




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