

词汇 spin
释义 *spin¹
/spɪn ||; spɪn/verb (spinning;past tense past participle spun /spʌn ||; spʌn/)
1 [I,T] spin (sth) (round) to turn or to make sth turn round quickly (使)急速转动,快速旋转: Mary spun round when she heard someone call her name. 玛丽听见有人叫她的名字,连忙转过身来。 [T] to spin a ball/coin/wheel 转动球╱硬币╱轮子
2 [I,T] to make thread from a mass of wool, cotton, etc 纺纱;纺线 · A spider spins a web. 蜘蛛会结网。
3 [T] to remove water from clothes that have just been washed by turning them round and round very fast in a machine (洗衣机)旋干(衣服),脱水
spin sth out to make sth last as long as possible 使尽量延长或拖延
/spɪn ||; spɪn/noun[C,U]
1 an act of making sth spin 旋转: She put a lot of spin onthe ball. 她发的球旋转得厉害。
2 (especially in politics) a way of talking publicly about a difficult situation, a mistake, etc that makes it sound positive for you (尤指政治)(对困难、错误等所作的)正面性解释
go/take sb for a spin to go/take sb out in a car or other vehicle (带着某人)驾车出去兜风




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