

词汇 gesture
释义 gesture¹
/ˈdʒestʃə(r) ||; ˈdʒɛstʃɚ/noun[C]
1 a movement of the hand, head, etc that expresses sth (手、头等)表意的动作;手势: I saw the boy make a rude gestureat the policeman before running off. 我看见那男孩朝警察做了个粗鄙的手势,然后就跑掉了。
2 something that you do that shows other people what you think or feel 态度;姿态
/ˈdʒestʃə(r) ||; ˈdʒɛstʃɚ/verb [I,T] to point at sth, to make a sign to sb 指着某物;用手势(向某人)示意: She asked them to leave and gestured towards the door. 她请他们出去,并朝门一指。




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