

词汇 general
释义 *general¹
/ˈdʒenrəl ||; ˈdʒɛnərəl/adj
1 affecting all or most people, places, things, etc 普遍的: Fridges were once a luxury, but now they are in general use. 冰箱以往是奢侈品,但如今已普遍使用。That is a matter of general interest. 那个问题,大家都很感兴趣。the general public (= most ordinary people) 大众
2 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) referring to or describing the main part of sth, not the details 总体上的;概括的: Your general health is very good. 总体来说,你的身体很好。The introduction gives you a general idea of what the book is about. 引言简要地介绍了那本书的内容。 As a general rule, the most common verbs in English tend to be irregular. 一般说来,英语里最常用的动词往往是不规则的。
3 not limited to one subject or area of study; not specialized 不限于一个科目的;非专门的: Children need a good general education. 孩子们要有良好的全面教育。The quiz tests your general knowledge. 这是个常识测验。a general hospital 综合医院
4 (often in compounds 常用于构成复合词) with responsibility for the whole of an organization 首席的: a general manager 总经理
in general
1 in most cases; usually 从总体上看;大体上: In general, standards of hygiene are good. 从总体上看,卫生情况良好。
2 as a whole 一般说来;整体而言: I'm interested in Spanish history in general, and the civil war in particular. 一般说来,我对西班牙历史很感兴趣,尤其是内战部份。
/ˈdʒenrəl ||; ˈdʒɛnərəl/noun [C] (abbr Gen.) an army officer in a very high position (陆军)将军




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