

词汇 final
释义 *final¹
/ˈfaɪnl ||; ˈfaɪnḷ/adj
1 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) last (in a series) (一系列中)最后的: This will be the final lesson of our course. 这是本课程的最后一课。I don't want to miss the final episode of that serial. 我不想错过那连续剧的大结局。
2 not to be changed 最终的;不会改变的: The judge's decision is always final. 法官的裁决总是不可改变的。I'm not lending you the money, and that's final! 我不会把钱借给你的,就是这样!
the last/final strawSTRAW
/ˈfaɪnl ||; ˈfaɪnḷ/noun
1 [C] the last game or match in a series of competitions or sporting events 决赛: The first two runners in this race go through to the final. 本次赛跑中的前两名选手进入决赛。 ☞ Look at semi-final. 参看semi-final
2 finals [pl] the exams you take in your last year at university (大学的)毕业考试: I'm taking my finals in June. 我要在六月参加毕业考试。




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