

词汇 fill
释义 *fill
/fɪl ||; fɪl/verb
1 [I,T] fill (sth/sb) (with sth) to make sth full or to become full 填满;(使)充满: Can you fill the kettle for me? 可不可以给我把水壶装满?The news filled him with excitement. 这个消息令他激动万分。The room filled with smoke within minutes. 不到几分钟,房间里就烟雾弥漫了。
2 [T] to take a position or to use up your time doing sth 出任某职位;填补空缺: I'm afraid that teaching post has just been filled (= somebody has got the job). 很抱歉,那个教师空缺刚刚有人填补了。
fill sth in(US also 美亦作 fill sth out)
1 to complete a form, etc by writing information on it 填写表格等: Could you fill in the application form, please? 请填写这份申请表。
2 to fill a hole or space completely to make a surface flat 填满(窟窿或空间): You had better fill in the cracks in the wall before you paint it. 上油漆以前你最好先把墙上那些裂缝填一填。
fill (sth) up to become or to make sth completely full 充满,填满(某物): There weren't many people at first but then the room filled up. 起初房间里的人并不多,后来却挤满了人。




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