

词汇 fidelity
释义 fidelity
/fɪˈdeləti; US faɪ- ||; faɪˈdɛlətɪ/noun [U]:
1 (formal 正式)fidelity (to sb/sth) the quality of being faithful, especially to a wife or husband by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else 忠诚;忠实;忠贞 ☞A less formal word is faithfulness. 不大正式的场合用faithfulness[OPP] infidelity 反义词为infidelity
2 (used about translations, the reproduction of music, etc) the quality of being accurate or close to the original (指翻译、音乐复制等)精确性,准确性,保真度 ☞ Look at hi-fi. 参看hi-fi




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