/blaɪnd ||; blaɪnd/adj1 unable to see 失明的;盲的;瞎的: a blind person 盲人to be completely/partially blind 完全盲了;部份失明 ☞People are sometimes described as partially sighted or visually impaired rather than blind. 形容失明有时用 partially sighted(有部份视力)或 visually impaired(视障),不用 blind(瞎)。
2 blind (to sth) not wanting to notice or understand sth 不想注意或了解;视而不见: He was completely blind to her faults. 对于她的过失,他完全视而不见。
3 without reason or thought 盲目的: He drove down the motorway in a blind panic. 他在恐慌中盲目地驾车沿高速公路驶去。
4 impossible to see round 看不到四周的:
You should never overtake on a blind corner. 在死角处绝对不可超车。 ➔blindly adv ➔blindness noun [U] turn a blind eye (to sth) to pretend not to notice sth bad is happening so that you do not have to do anything about it 假装看不见;视若无睹