

词汇 insist
释义 *insist
/ɪnˈsɪst ||; ɪnˈsɪst/verb[I]
1 insist (on sth/doing sth);insist that... to say strongly that you must have or do sth, or that sb else must do sth 坚决要求,坚持(要做某事): He always insists on the best. 他总是要求完美。Dan insisted on coming too. 丹也坚持要来。My parents insist that I come home by taxi. 父母千叮万嘱要我搭出租车回家。‘Have another drink.’ ‘Oh all right, if you insist.’ “再喝一杯吧。”“好吧,如果你坚持的话。”
2 insist (on sth);insist that... to say firmly that sth is true (when sb does not believe you) 坚称(某事属实): She insisted on her innocence. 她坚持说自己是清白的。James insisted that the accident wasn't his fault. 詹姆斯坚决认为这起事故不是他的过失。 insistence noun [U]




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