

词汇 mind
释义 *mind¹
/maɪnd ||; maɪnd/noun [C,U] the part of your brain that thinks and remembers; your thoughts, feelings and intelligence 头脑;脑筋;思想;智力: He has a brilliant mind. 他头脑聪颖。Not everybody has the right sort of mind for this work. 并不是每个人都有适合做这项工作的头脑。 at/in the back of your mindBACK¹be in two minds (about sth/doing sth) to not feel sure of sth 拿不定主意;三心两意: I'm in two minds about leaving Will alone in the house while we're away. 我们外出的时候是不是把威尔一个人留在家里,我感到犹豫不决。 be/go out of your mind(informal 非正式) to be or become crazy or very worried 发狂;很担心: I was going out of my mind when Tina didn't come home on time. 蒂娜没有按时到家,我急得很。 bear in mind (that);bear/keep sb/sth in mind to remember or consider (that); to remember sb/sth 记住;考虑: We'll bear/keep your suggestion in mind for the future. 我们会记住你的提议,以备将来之用。 bring/call sb/sth to mind to be reminded of sb/sth; to remember sb/sth 使回忆起;想起 cast your mind backCAST¹change your mindCHANGE¹come/spring to mind if sth comes/springs to mind, you suddenly remember or think of it 突然想起某事 cross your mindCROSS²ease sb's mindEASE²frame of mindFRAME¹give sb a piece of your mindPIECE¹go clean out of your mindCLEAN³have/keep an open mindOPEN¹have sb/sth in mind (for sth) to be considering sb/sth as suitable for sth; to have a plan 想到;考虑到;有打算: Who do you have in mind for the job? 你想到有谁适合这份工作吗? keep your mind on sth to continue to pay attention to sth 继续注意、用心或专心于某事物: Keep your mind on the road while you're driving! 开车的时候要集中心思注意路上情况! make up your mind to decide 决定;拿定主意: I can't make up my mind which sweater to buy. 我拿不定主意买哪件羊毛套衫。 on your mind worrying you 使担心;使担忧: Don't bother her with that. She's got enough on her mind already. 别为那事烦她,她担心的事情已经够多了。 prey on sb's mindPREY²put/set sb's mind at rest to make sb stop worrying 使某人放心或安心: The results of the blood test set his mind at rest. 验血的结果使他放心。 slip your mindSLIP¹speak your mindSPEAKstate of mindSTATE¹take sb's mind off sth to help sb not to think or worry about sth 使某人不再想或担心某事 to my mind in my opinion 依我看来: To my mind, this is a complete waste of time! 我认为这完全是在浪费时间!
/maɪnd ||; maɪnd/verb
1 [I,T] (especially in questions, answers, and negative sentences 尤用于疑问句﹑答复及否定句) to feel annoyed, upset or uncomfortable about sth/sb 介意;反对: I'm sure Simon won't mind if you don't invite him. 如果你不邀请西蒙,我肯定他也不会介意。I don't mind what you do -- it's your decision. 我不介意你做什么─那是你的决定。Do you mind having to travel so far to work every day? 你介意每天走那么远的路上班吗?Are you sure your parents won't mind me coming? 你肯定你的父母不会介意我来吗? [I] ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ ‘I don't mind.’ (= I'm happy to have either) “你喜欢茶还是咖啡?”“随便。”I wouldn't mind a break right now (= I would like one). 我希望马上休息片刻。
2 (used in a question as a polite way of asking sb to do sth or for permission to do sth) could you...?; may I...? (用于礼貌的请求)能不能请你…?,我可不可以…?: Would you mind closing the window for me? 能不能请你替我把窗关上?Do you mind driving? I'm feeling rather tired. 能不能请你驾车?我觉得很累。
3 [T] used to tell sb to be careful of sth or to pay attention to sb/sth (用于提醒别人)小心,注意: It's a very low doorway so mind your head. 那个门口很低,小心别碰到头。Mind that step! 小心台阶!Don't mind me! I won't disturb you. 别管我!我不会打扰你的。
4 [T] (especially Brit 尤为英) to look after or watch sb/sth for a short time 短时照管或照看: Could you mind my bag while I go and get us some drinks? 我去给大家弄点饮料来,请你照看一下我的包好吗?
mind you used for attracting attention to a point you are making or for giving more information (提出要点或作补充时用于吸引注意): Paul seems very tired. Mind you, he has been working very hard recently. 保罗好像很疲倦。告诉你吧,他近来一直很努力工作呢。 mind your own business to pay attention to your own affairs, not other people's 管自己的事,别管闲事: Stop asking me personal questions and mind your own business! 别再问我个人的问题,管你自己的事吧! never mind don't worry; it doesn't matter 不必担心;没关系;不要紧: ‘I forgot to post your letter.’ ‘Never mind, I'll do it later.’ “我忘记帮你寄信了。”“不要紧,我一会儿寄。” mind out(informal 非正式) Get out of the way! 走开!;让开!: Mind out! There's a car coming. 快让开!有辆汽车驶过来了。




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