

词汇 million
释义 *million
/ˈmɪljən ||; ˈmɪljən/number
1 1000000 百万;一百万: Nearly 60 million people live in Britain. 近6000万人居住在英国。Millions of people are at risk from the disease. 数以百万计的人受到那种疾病的威胁。
Notice that you use million without s when talking about more than one million six million people. For examples of how to use numbers in sentences, look at six. 表示数目时,要注意million后面是没有s的:six million people六百万人。有关数词在句子里的示例,参看six
2 a millionmillions (of)(informal 非正式) a very large amount 许多;无数: I still have a million things to do. 我还有好多好多事要做呢。There are millions of reasons why you shouldn't go. 有无数条理由说明你不该去。 ☞For more information about numbers look at the special section on numbers at the back of this dictionary. 有关数词的详细用法,参看本词典末数词用法部份。




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