/steɪdʒ ||; stedʒ/noun1 [C] one part of the progress or development of sth 阶段;时期: The first stage of the course lasts for three weeks. 课程的第一个阶段为期三星期。I suggest we do the journey in two stages. 我建议将旅程分为两个阶段。 At this stage it's too early to say what will happen. 在现阶段推测以后的事还是言之过早。
2 [C] a platform in a theatre, concert hall, etc on which actors, musicians, etc perform 舞台
3 [sing] [U] the world of theatre; the profession of acting 戏剧界;表演行业: Her parents didn't want her to go on the stage. 她的父母不想让她当演员。an actor of stage and screen 戏剧和电影两栖演员