

词汇 squeeze
释义 *squeeze¹
/skwi:z ||; skwiz/verb
1 [T] squeeze sth (out);squeeze sth (from/out of sth) to press sth hard for a particular purpose 挤;榨;: She squeezed his hand as a sign of affection. 她紧握他的手表示爱意。to squeeze a tube of toothpaste 挤牙膏Squeeze a lemon/the juice of a lemon into a glass. 将柠檬汁挤在杯子里。I squeezed the water out of the cloth. 我将布拧干了。
2 [I,T] squeeze (sb/sth) into, through, etc sth;squeeze (sb/sth) through, in, past, etc to force sb/sth into or through a small space (使)挤进或挤过 · We can squeeze another person into the back of the car. 我们汽车的后座还可以多挤一个人。There was just room for the bus to squeeze past. 地方刚好够那辆公共汽车挤过去。
/skwi:z ||; skwiz/noun
1 [C] an act of pressing sth firmly 挤;榨;: He gave her hand a squeeze and told her he loved her. 他紧握她的手,对她说他爱她。
2 [C] the amount of liquid that you get from squeezing an orange, a lemon, etc 榨出的汁: a squeeze of lemon 榨出来的柠檬汁
3 [sing] a situation where there is not much space 挤;拥挤: It was a tight squeeze to get everybody around the table. 大家都围着桌子坐,挤得很。
4 [C] [usu.sing] an effort to use less money, time, etc, especially with the result that there is not enough (钱、时间等的)紧缩(尤指因为不够用)




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