/ˈkwɒrəl; US ˈkwɔ:rəl ||; ˈkwɔrəl/noun[C] 1 a quarrel (about/over sth) an angry argument or disagreement 争吵;吵嘴;口角: We sometimes have a quarrel about who should do the washing-up. 我们有时为了该谁洗碗盘而争吵。 ☞Look at argument and fight ²(3). 参看argument及fight^2(3)。
2 a quarrel with sb/sth a reason for complaining about or disagreeing with sb/sth 抱怨的原因;不同意的理由: I have no quarrel with what has just been said. 我对于刚才人家所说的话没有异议。