

词汇 eliminate
释义 eliminate
/ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt ||; ɪˈlɪməˌnet/verb[T]
1 to remove sb/sth that is not wanted or needed 消除;排除: We must try and eliminate the problem. 我们必须尽力消灭这种问题。
2 (often passive 常用于被动语态) to stop sb going further in a competition, etc (在比赛等中)淘汰: The school team was eliminated in the first round of the competition. 校队在比赛的第一轮中就被淘汰。 elimination /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃn ||; ɪˌlɪməˈneʃən/ noun [U]




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