

词汇 appear
释义 *appear
/əˈpɪə(r) ||; əˈpɪr/verb
1 linking verb appear to be/do sth;appear (that)... to seem 看来;似乎: She appears to be very happy in her job. 她看来工作得很愉快。It appears that you were given the wrong information. 看来你收到了错误的消息。 ☞adjective apparent 形容词为 apparent
2 [I] to suddenly be seen; to come into sight 出现: The bus appeared from round the corner. 那辆公共汽车从转角处出现了。 [OPP] disappear 反义词为 disappear
3 [I] to begin to exist 开始存在: The disease is thought to have appeared in Africa. 相信那种疾病是在非洲出现的。
4 [I] to be published or printed 刊出;出版;发表: The article appeared in this morning's paper. 那篇文章刊载于今天上午的报纸上。
5 [I] to perform or speak where you are seen by a lot of people 在公众场合表演或演说: to appear on television/in a play 在电视上亮相;在戏剧中演出




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