

词汇 brim
释义 brim¹
/brɪm ||; brɪm/noun[C]
1 the top edge of a cup, glass, etc (杯子等的)边,沿: The cup was full to the brim. 杯子装得满满的。
2 the bottom part of a hat that is wider than the rest 帽檐 ☞picture at hathat 插图
/brɪm ||; brɪm/verb [I] (brimming;brimmed)brim (with sth) to be full of sth 满载(某物): His eyes were brimming with tears. 他双眼饱含着泪水。 brim over (with sth) (used about a cup, glass, etc) to have more liquid than it can hold (指杯子等)溢出(某物): The bowl was brimming over with water. 碗里的水满得流出来了。 (figurative 比喻) to be brimming over with health/happiness 精神奕奕;洋溢着欢乐




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