

词汇 dirty
释义 *dirty¹
/ˈdɜ:ti ||; ˈdɝtɪ/adj (dirtier;dirtiest)
1 not clean 肮脏的;污秽的: Your hands are dirty. Go and wash them! 你的手脏,快去洗洗吧!Gardening is dirty work (= it makes you dirty). 园艺这种活儿会把人弄脏的。 [OPP] clean 反义词为clean
2 referring to sex in a way that may upset or offend people 色情的;淫猥的: to tell a dirty joke 说淫猥笑话
3 unpleasant or dishonest 卑鄙的;不老实的: He's a dirty player. 他是个不讲体育道德的球员。He doesn't sell the drugs himself -- he gets kids to do his dirty workfor him. 他自己不卖毒品──他让孩子们去为他干这种卑鄙的活儿。 dirty adv
a dirty word an idea or thing that you do not like or agree with 不赞同的想法;讨厌的事物: Work is a dirty word to Frank. 工作对弗兰克来说是个讨厌的词。 play dirty(informal 非正式) to behave or to play a game in an unfair or dishonest way 干卑鄙勾当;(比赛中)犯规伤人
/ˈdɜ:ti ||; ˈdɝtɪ/verb [I,T] (present participle dirtying third person singular present dirties;past tense past participle dirtied) to become or to make sth dirty 变脏;弄脏 [OPP] clean 反义词为clean
/ˈdɜ:ti ||; ˈdɝtɪ/advdirty great/big (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) used to emphasize how large sth is (用于强调某物之大): When I turned around he was pointing a dirty great gun at me. 我转过身来,只见他用一支很大的枪对着我。 play dirty(informal 非正式) to behave or play a game in an unfair way 表现卑鄙;干卑鄙的勾当




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