

词汇 scoop
释义 scoop¹
/sku:p ||; skup/noun[C]
1 a tool like a spoon used for picking up ice cream, flour, grain, etc 勺子,小铲(用以舀冰淇淋、面粉、谷粒等)
2 the amount that one scoop contains 一勺的量
3 an exciting piece of news that is reported by one newspaper, television or radio station before it is reported anywhere else 抢先报道的新闻;独家新闻
/sku:p ||; skup/verb[T]
1 scoop sth (out/up) to make a hole in sth or to take sth out by using a scoop or sth similar 挖出;舀出: Scoop out the middle of the pineapple. 舀出菠萝芯。
2 scoop sb/sth (up) to move or lift sb/sth using a continuous action 拾起;抱起: He scooped up the child and ran. 他抱起孩子就跑。
3 to win a big or important prize 赢得大奖或重要的奖: The film has scooped all the awards this year. 这部电影囊括今年的全部奖项。
4 to get a story before all other newspapers, television stations, etc 抢先获得(新闻);独家报道




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