

词汇 fence
释义 *fence¹
/fens ||; fɛns/noun [C] a line of wooden or metal posts joined by wood, wire, metal, etc to divide land or to keep in animals 栅栏;篱笆 ☞picture on page C7 见C7页插图 sit on the fenceSIT
/fens ||; fɛns/verb
1 [T] to surround land with a fence 用栅栏或篱笆围住
2 [I] to fight with a long thin pointed weapon(a foil)as a sport 击剑
fence sb/sth in
1 to surround sb/sth with a fence 把…用栅栏或篱笆围起来: They fenced in their garden to make it more private. 为免受骚扰,他们把花园用栅栏围起来。
2 to limit sb's freedom 限制某人的自由: She felt fenced in by so many responsibilities. 她承担如此多的责任,觉得捆住了手脚。
fence sth off to separate one area from another with a fence 用栅栏把某范围隔开




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