

词汇 sole
释义 sole¹
/səʊl ||; sol/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前)
1 only; single 单独的;唯一的;仅有的: His sole interest is football. 他唯一的兴趣是足球。
2 belonging to one person only; not shared 只属一人的;独有的;专用的 solely adv I agreed to come solely because of your mother. 我只是看在你妈妈份上才答应来的。
/səʊl ||; sol/noun
1 [C] the bottom surface of your foot 脚掌;脚底 ☞picture at bodybody插图
2 [C] the part of a shoe or sock that covers the bottom surface of your foot 鞋底;袜底 ☞picture at shoeshoe插图
3 [C,U] (plural sole) a flat sea fish that we eat 鳎;鳎目鱼;鲽




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