

词汇 crowd
释义 *crowd¹
/kraʊd ||; kraυd/noun
1 [C] [with.sop] a large number of people in one place 人群: The crowd was/were extremely noisy. 人群很喧闹。He pushed his way through the crowd. 他从人群中挤过去。I go shopping early in the morning to avoid the crowds. 我一大早就去购物,省得人多时凑热闹。
2 the crowd [sing] ordinary people 大众;民众: He wears weird clothes because he wants to stand out from the crowd. 他穿着奇装异服,想要与众不同。
3 [C] [with.sop] (informal 非正式) a group of people who know each other (互相认识的)一伙人,一帮人: John, Linda and Barry will be there -- all the usual crowd. 约翰、琳达、巴里会在那里,都是惯常的那伙人。
/kraʊd ||; kraυd/verb
1 [I] crowd around/round (sb) (used about a lot of people) to stand in a large group around sb/sth (指很多人)聚集,群集: Fans crowded round the singer hoping to get his autograph. 歌迷围着那歌星,希望取得他的亲笔签名。
2 [T] (used about a lot of people) to fill an area (指很多人)挤满,塞满(某地方): Groups of tourists crowded the main streets. 大街上都挤满了一群群的游客。 (figurative 比喻) Memories crowded her mind. 她脑子充满了对往事的回忆。
crowd into sth; crowd in to go into a small place and make it very full 挤进狭小的地方: Somehow we all crowded into their small living room. 我们所有人都设法挤进了他们那狭小的客厅。 crowd sb/sth into sth; crowd sb/sth in to put a lot of people into a small place 将很多人或物挤进狭小的地方: Ten prisoners were crowded into one small cell. 十个囚犯被关进一个小囚室内。 crowd sth out; crowd sb out (of sth) to completely fill a place so that nobody else can enter 挤满(没人再进得去): Students crowd out the cafe at lunchtimes. 每到午饭时分,那家小餐馆挤满了学生。Smaller companies are being crowded out of the market. 小一点的公司正被挤出市场。




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