

词汇 accidental
释义 accidental¹
/ˌæksɪˈdentl ||; ˌæksəˈdɛntḷ/adj happening by chance; not planned 意外的;偶然: Police do not know if the explosion was accidental or caused by a bomb. 警方不知道爆炸是意外的还是由炸弹引起的。 accidentally /-təli ||; -tḷɪ/ adv She accidentally took the key to the office home with her, so nobody could get in. 她无意中把办公室钥匙带了回家,弄得谁也进不去。
/ˌæksɪˈdentl ||; ˌæksəˈdɛntḷ/noun [C] (used in music 用于音乐) a sign meaning that a note in a piece of music should be made higher or lower 临时号,临时变调符号(用以升高或降低音符)




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